Level M strategized with the Trade Consulate at the United Nations on ways to promote the Finnish brand through bioeconomy innovation in the NYC region. The challenge for Finland is to get brand visibility with key government decision-makers that help lead to trade synergy.
We proposed a social innovation strategy in which Finnish resources and expertise would support community-driven stewardship projects across the New York City blue and green public spaces. These types of projects, such as salt marsh and forestry restoration, environmental stewardship programs, citizens science efforts like water testing, and diverse ways of water use/access are springing up across NYC's 520 miles of waterline as more citizens demand access and meaningful connection to the natural environs. However, social entrepreneurs who attempt to undertake such good efforts often face daunting logistical and bureaucratic hurdles to realizing them.
Since every challenge is a market opportunity, community-driven stewardship projects provide a natural platform for Finland to build partnerships upon the century old city planner's adage, 'act local, think global.' It's a win/win strategy for all. Neighborhoods benefit from Finnish innovation and best practices. Finland gets high-touch positive brand awareness to grow PR and networking opportunities with key decision-makers. The city gets support in realizing place-making that undergirds a sustainable economy.

Client Testimony
“I elaborated with Roger of Level M about our need to brand a Nordic innovation collaboration. Roger’s strategy was spot on. Today, the Nordic City Solutions initiative is poised to export innovative solutions for sustainable urban spaces, including New York. As I said to him then, ‘I can see why the Mayor’s team chose you for Brand Strategist.”
Veijo Komulainen
General Trade Consulate of Finland, United Nations