Brand Alignment
Twenty-first century brands requires a holistic approach to brand marketing. The traditional measures of a brand, commonly referred to as ‘Differentiation’, ‘Esteem’, and ‘Relevance’, must now include ‘Alignment’, recognizing that companies and/or brands are not isolated entities. They are embedded in interconnected dynamic systems in which local interactions can give rise to unpredictable global effects and vice versa.
Brands are measurable parts of business systems, organizational cultures, industries, economies, societies, and ecosystems. When misaligned from the system from which they belong, brands risk gradual starvation of the support needed from other system participants. When aligned, brands can significantly expand and deepen relationships while weathering market fluctuations.
Through our extensive work with industry, government, and environmental leaders, Level M has developed Brand Alignment as a critical tool for building resilient brands and realizing market potential.